
 Su Ki's new workshop in 2011

„Healing in the arms of the Lotus Heavens

A seminar for two weekends, each time two days, where the people are healing in the arms of the Lotus Elves and Lotus Heavens. The seminar is healing for people, a Gift from the Lotus Elves worlds, healing your chakras, healing your soul. And in the same time, you will go out and help the Elves to find new places in land, through installing places where you cultivate, and call the Elves. You will bring a gift to earth that will heal earth and yourselves at the same time.

This world wanted to be shared again nd having high healing potential.

Within the seminar, Su Ki (the Blissful Queen of Elves) will give birth to seven healing Essences, which are connected to the Lotus Elves, come from the Lotus Heavens.

Om Namah Shivaya

~from Agni & Durga~


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