
真的萬分感謝Shamba的愛 支持與協助... 感謝諸神 感謝一切  Love, Su Ki

有趣的是   在傍晚時分Shamba寫下這篇感言的幾個小時前

當天下午   我在由台南回台北的高鐵上   同樣寫下了一篇簡訊給Shamba


對於一切, 對於你, 千言萬語, 融為一句深深感謝!

很愛你很喜歡你, 謝謝你內在很多很多的愛,


光愛喜悅, Su Ki

05 DEC 2011, 1:41pm

心中的愛與感謝   要及時表達出來喔  


當 Shamba決定了明年1/28/2012要來新加坡參予我的光中心--蓮花天堂光中心  的開幕時    我欣喜激動的紅了眼框   掉下感動之淚   也向Shamba表達我深深的感謝   好友能夠支持 前來參予開幕   真是有如千軍萬馬......當下她也紅了眼框    我們兩個紅著眼感動的抱在一起....  

特別是為了光中心開幕   花費好多好多心力   渡過ㄧ個又一個難關   做了許多許多內在工作   還有外在事務的努力......   現在非常清楚明晰的了解   一切都與內在有關   感謝上天給我的考驗 歷練 與恩典  

愛要及時!! 感謝也要及時!!  在愛與感謝 喜悅 祝禱中   一切都將度過  轉化  昇揚♥


上圖: 正接引金色蓮花天堂能量中的Su Ki

上週,在一年多的醞釀與準備後,Su Ki在南台灣完成了她的首次蓮花天堂療癒工作坊,把她那遠離許久的天賦與祝福帶回地球。那天晚上,她滿懷謙卑與感激地向身兼學員及協辦的我頂禮……

Last week, after more than one year’s brewing and preparation, Su Ki completed her first Lotus Heaven Healing Workshp in southern Taiwan, bringing back her gift and blessings that left the earth for long time. That evening, with much humbleness and gratitude, she bowed to me who is the participant and co-organizer…

表面上 是我成就了她,其實從兩個月多前,我在她愛的召喚以及一連串神奇的因緣下而突破內在隱微的「同儕相忌」的心牆決定合作,這段期間,不期然經歷修行重大考驗 的我,時時被她盈溢的神性喜悅所提振、堅定的對神的信任所支持、並觀摩到她如何在臣服中投入大量工作心力。最大的感動是,這一切的安排與愛,讓自己感受 到,即使是看來相當不同的兩個人(相較之下,一個敏感細心,一個大而化之;一個急熱如火,一個溫緩如水…那個是那個,即使沒有兩個都認識的看倌們,也不難猜到吧 :),在很深的層面,都是被愛融化在一起的……

It’s only superficial to say that I completed her one-sidedly. More than 2 months ago, out of her loving calling and a series of amazing happenings, I was able to break down the hidden inner wall of “peer competition” and decided to work together. During this time, I unexpectedly run into a major challenge on my spiritual path, and kept being uplifted by her over-spilling divine joy and supported by her firm trust in gods, and witnessed how she was able to put out big amount of efforts at work with devotion. The most touching is I experienced that, with all these arrangements and love, even for two people who look so different (comparatively, one is a sensitive and detailed, the other casual and general; one hot and active like fire, the other luckwarm and passive like water……which is who? Even if you don’t know us both, it shouldn’t be hard to guess:), in a very deep level, are melted together by love…

因此親愛的Su Ki,我也要深深向你頂禮,並且衷心祝福你的下一步~明年初在力量之地新加坡設立你的蓮花天堂光中心,Om Su Ki Jay!

Therefore dear Su Ki, I want to also deeply bow to you and heartfully bless your next step ~ setting up your Lotus Heaven Lightcenter in your power place Singapore. Om Su Ki Jay!

Shamba Lin 5th, 12, 2011

轉載自Shamba Lin臉書facebook



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