
♥ 神聖金色蓮花~來自蓮花天堂的蓮花精靈花精Lotus Elf Essences
經過了久遠久遠的年代, 終於再次降生歸返地球~
為了協助人們心中神聖蓮花綻放, 為了協助地球母親平衡 療癒

7 Lotus Elf Essences of Golden age, they come from Lotus Heavens, all connect with Divine Mother and Lotus Elves. The Chakras, body and light bodies will be recharged with divine bliss, love, peace, light energy at all levels. The following are their names and short descriptions.

七瓶蓮花精靈-黃金世紀-花精, 與神聖母親、蓮花精靈連結, 傳遞蓮花天堂神聖高頻光能量。脈輪、身體與光體將在所有層面被神性喜悅、光愛、平靜能量所充電滋養。以下是花精名字與簡短介紹:

No.1: Love for Life -- love for creation, love for abundance, the red sea of creation... home, grounding.

No.2: Joyful Bliss -- about creating with joy, connect with the orange sea of creation where is surround the Earth.

No.3: Happiness -- peace of happiness, heaven and earth are on within me. Being one with heaven and earth.

No.4: Lotus Love -- blissful love, open the heart, open free the heart, free heart from the old.

No.5: Lotus of Heaven -- created the freedom of love. The peace of blue light, the peace of divine mother, and people will experience dancing in their own heaven.

No.6: Created Silence -- the peace is dark blue light, the peace of universe… unite with the universe, dance with the universe silently.

No.7: Divine Beauty and Happiness -- divine bliss - it’s heaven, God love, God happiness. The whole creation is happiness, happiness… It’s a special light of heaven.

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