
Sam Yun's and Sun Ya's schedule

Sam Yun及Sun Ya的行事曆  

November 2009


5 Bhajan singing, heart chakra meditation on the mantra "God is Love",

      Arathi (fire ceremony) and transfer of healing energy

      Leading: Sam Yun and Sun Ya

  7.30-8.45 p.m., in Sam Yun's and Sun Ya's place in Taipei,

      free of charge 


    帶領人:Sam Yun及Sun Ya

    7.30-8.45 p.m., Sam Yun & Sun Ya台北的地方,免費 

6 The Path into Light® recharge

      will be postponed and the new date will be announced soon.  



6 “The three energy waves that bring the new age”

    Jesus’wife Mary Magdalene only four months ago gave a message to human mankind through Agni and Durga about the dramatic changes that we will go through within the coming months and years.

    Contents of tonight’s workshop:

    - Reading part of Mary Magdalene’s message

    - The three energy waves which are bringing the Golden Age

    - Meditation to understand which things you still have to redeem to go through the transformation easier, find healing in the first energy wave which started in August 2009, receiving a vision of God’s realm

    - Questions and answers

    7.30 p.m., Leading: Sam Yun and Sun Ya, Cost: 300 NTD (special price for the first time that we give this workshop) 


    僅於四個月前,耶穌之妻抹大拉的瑪利亞透過阿格尼及杜嘉, 給予人類關於我們在接下來幾個年月間所會經歷之劇變的訊息。 今晚的工作坊內容:

    • 頌讀抹大拉瑪利亞的部份訊息。
    • 三個促成黃金世紀的能量波。
    • 冥想: 協助你了解自己還需要穿越什麼樣的救贖以更輕易地度過這個轉化, 在始於2009年8月的第一個能量波中獲得療癒, 接受來自神境的畫面。
    • 問與答

    7.30 p.m. 帶領人:Sam Yun and Sun Ya,費用:300元(我們給予此工作坊的首次優惠價) 

8 Agni – Alpha Chi Feng Shui

      Agni is giving a short lecture and signing his newly published

      Feng Shui book

    “Alpha Chi – The nine master schools. Feng Shui from its origin to the present day”which is written in Chinese language

    10-11 a.m., Agni’s singning: free of charge, book: 360 NTD (30% off on spot)

    阿格尼--Alpha Chi風水


    「Alpha Chi風水九大封印,風水知識的源頭與九大學派的演變」

    10-11 a.m., 阿格尼簽名:免費,書: 360元(現場七折)

8 Agni workshop “The Dawning of the Golden Age”

      and his Darshan – Divine blessing

      4-9 p.m., workshop: 10,000 NTD, Darshan: free of charge

      阿格尼講習會「黃金世代破曉時刻」及達瞻── 神性賜福。

      4-9 p.m., 工作坊:10,000元, 達瞻:免費

      更多資訊: http://www.lotus-shakti- comes.html 

    16-17 The Path into Light®

    Intensive 6-day spiritual training after Agni Eickermann for those who want to unfold their inner potentials and fulfill their life mission.

    Three blocks: 09/11/16-17, 11/23-24 and 11/30-12/1 

      Leading: Sam Yun and Sun Ya

            9.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m., in Taipei, 48,000 NTD 


    承襲自Agni Eickermann之6天密集靈性訓練; 給想要實現生命任務者。

    三區塊:09/11/16-17, 11/23-24, 11/30-12/1

    帶領人:Sam Yun and Sun Ya

    9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m., 台北,48,000元  

Some basic information


- All our events with charge are with translation into Mandarin.


- All our offers are non-denominational. All religions are welcome.

- 我們的工作都是沒有宗教界分的,所有宗教都歡迎。 

- Our address in Taipei:

10549 Taipei, Song-Shan District, Dun-Hua North Road, Lane 155, Alley 66, No. 48, 1F

- 住址:10549台北市敦化北路155巷66弄48號1樓 


1. 從敦化北路155巷進去,走到右邊OK便利商店, 自該店門延伸出去的巷子(即為66弄)直走到底右轉找到48號

2. 面對長庚醫院的左手邊巷子(敦北199巷)進去右轉再左轉。 

Phone電話: (02) 25450208, 0912 728090 (English),

0910 556201 (our assistant Xara, Chinese language我們的助理Xara劉蕙誼,使用中文)



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