
2008: Creation in Balance


Master Guide Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling,  

Kirael高靈齊瑞爾大師透過kahu Fred Sterling 傳譯

KIRAEL:  Predictions are a lavish way of saying, “Great guess!”  I don’t guess anything.  Whatever I say will be predictive because I will read strands of energy.  So, I will not make predictions in the literal sense.  I will read the strands of light as they project into the next year.  As the strands take on a certain light or outlook, I can tell you what the outlook is right now.  You will have to change it if you feel it needs changing.  Last year I made about 25 predictions and about 23 have come to fruition thus far.  Yet, it’s not about being right.  It’s about telling you how the energies look over an expanse of time.  I will let you know how things will turn out if you don’t act to change anything.  If you want to change anything, act now.

預言是「大猜測!」的一個廣泛方式的說法,我不猜測任何事。我所說的都將是有預測性的,因為我閱讀能量的線串。因此我不會做線性的預言。我將以它們投射進入明年的光的線串來看,依照那線串呈現的某一特定的光或前景,我能告訴你們目前是什麼樣的前景。如果你們感到它需要改變,則你們必須去改變它。我去年大約做了25 個預言,而截至目前為止大約有23個應驗。 然而,它是無關於正確。它是在告訴你們,能量如何顯現一個 浩瀚 的時間。我將告訴你們何事將會發生,如果你們不去做改變的話。如果你們想要改變任何事物,現在就行動。

If you don’t get anything else out of this program, know that you can change anything that you don’t like if you approach it in love.  When you don’t like an idea or you’d rather not have something occur, if enough of you get together in the right frame of mind, you can make the difference.  Let’s say I predict that you will have a female president next year and let’s say you don’t want that.  You’d have to figure out what to do.  The collective consciousness of the people listening to this program is enough to cause a change in the course of the election.  That few people can affect change.

若是你們不能從這個節目得到任何其他的東西,要知道,如果你們是以愛來處理時,你們將能改變任何您不喜歡的事物。當你們不喜歡一個想法,或你們寧可不要有事情發生時, 若是你們有足夠相同心意的人聚在一起, 你們將能造成不同。假設我預言你們明年將有一位女性總統,而假設你們並不想要那事發生。你們必須想出要如何去做。傾聽到這個節目的人民的集體意識,是足夠導致競選期間的變化。很少的人就能夠影響變動。

Make a list of the predictions I make today and then go down that list and start making changes where you want change to occur.  My predictions are based on what will happen with things as they are right now.  You can change what you don’t want to happen, but you have to get involved.  You say, “Oh, that wouldn’t be right, because if it is supposed to happen, we should just let it happen.”  No, you can change it.  The future is based on the strands that I will be talking to you about today.  These strands are already extended four, five, six, eight, eleven months into the next year, and you will have to deal with them.  If you want to change one of those strands, get involved; pray, and it could change. 

將我今天所做的預言列下來,然後照著所列的清單,開始逐項的去改變你想要改變即將會發生的事物。我對於將來會發生的事物的預言,是根據它們目前的情況而來的。你們能改變你們不想要發生的事物,但是你們必須介入。 你們說,「Oh 那是不對的, 因為如果它應該發生,我們就應該讓它發生。」不,你們可以改變它。未來是根據我今天與你們談論的線串。這些線串已經是伸展四,五,六,八,十一個月進入明年, 並且你們將必須處理他們。如果你們想要改變那些線串當中的一個, 你們必須介入,祈禱,那麼它就會改變。

My first prediction is that most of you will be praying in 2008 like you’ve never prayed before, and before the year is out, you’ll all be praying.  You will know what prayer means in this coming year because you will be praying a lot more than you already do.  I heard somebody say, “I don’t pray.  I will not pray.”  Well, I think you do pray, and if you don’t, you will, because the energies will be very tenuous next year.  If you don’t pray, you will look at yourself and say, “Oh, my God, that’s what Master Kirael said would happen, and I didn’t pray.”  You probably will pray; this year, pray again and again.  Remember, prayer is not a religious act.  It never has been and never will be.  Prayer is a way of speaking to spirit.

我的第一個預言是,你們大多數的人將會像你們以前從未祈禱過的在2008年祈禱,並且在年底之前所有的人都將會祈禱。在即將來臨的這一年,你們將知道什麼是祈禱的意涵,因為你們將會比你們以往祈禱的還更多。我聽見某個人說,「我不祈禱。我不會祈禱。」很好,我認為你們有祈禱,而且如果你們不祈禱,那麼你們將會祈禱,因為明年的能量將是非常無力的。如果你們不祈禱, 你們將看著你們自己並且說, Oh,我的上帝,那大師Kirael 所說會發生的,而我沒有祈禱。」你大概將會祈禱,在這一年一再的祈禱。 記住,祈禱不是一個宗教的行動。它從未是而將來也不會是。祈禱是對聖靈講話的一個方式。

Prayer is what you make it.  I know someone who prays by singing a song.  He prays in the song.  Pray for what you want in life.  Don’t use prayer to beat up on somebody.  Don’t use prayer to change the whole world.  Use prayer to change your world and do it without wishing bad on somebody else.  If you wish bad things on somebody in your prayer, it will affect him or her, but, more importantly, it will affect you.


Get prepared by combining your prayers with meditations.  Meditation is one of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.  If you get into a good meditation and listen to your higher selves, you’ll know what’s going on in the world; then, you won’t have to make a choice.  You’ll know what’s happening and your choices will already be made.  You will make them happen.  This is the year of We the People.  This is the year I’ve been talking about for the last seven years.  We the People will have to make a difference in 2008 and the only way to do that is to act, now.  Prepare to be We the People, a collective of thought, and act in that manner.

藉由結合你的祈禱與靜思來準備好。靜思冥想是十項意識創造原則當中的一個。如果你進入好的靜思和傾聽你的高我,你將知道在這世界所發生的事, 然後,你不需做出選擇。你將知道發生什麼事,而你的選擇也已經做出了。你將讓它們發生。這是我們人民的年。這是我過去七年來一直談論的年。2008年我們人民將必須要有所不同,而唯一的方法就是現在去行動。準備我們人民成為一個集體思想,而以那方式行動。

My next prediction is the same as one I made last year.  As the energies stand now, you will have your first female president.  If you don’t like that idea, change it, but if you don’t have any opinion about it, let it go.

我的下一個預言是與我去年所做過的一個相同。因為那能量現在仍然停留著, 你們(美國)將有第一位女性總統。如果你們不喜歡那個想法就改變它,但是如果你們對它沒有任何意見就隨它去。  

This will be your first female president, the first one.  You say, “Well, wait, we’ve got this fellow over here, and we’ve got this guy over there, and this guy over there, and this guy over there.”  Yes, but only one female is running for president.  Why is that?  Why is only one female putting herself on the line like this?  More women have to run for office.  That’s another prediction.  Very close to the election, someone will enter the race and try to steal the election, but will not succeed because of lack of preparation.

這將是你們的第一位女性總統,第一位。你們說,「嗯,等等,我們有這個傢伙在這兒,並且我們有這個人在那兒,和這個人在那兒,和這個人在那。」是的,但只有一位女性競選總統。為什麼是那樣?為什麼只有一位女性像這樣將自己投入競選? 更多的婦女必須為職務競爭。 那是另外一個預言。 非常接近選舉時, 某人將參加競選且將設法贏得選舉,但由於缺乏準備將不會成功。

It will get very clear, very quickly, that the Internet is where you will get most of the news you can depend on.  There’s a new type of newscast coming in 2008 and you will understand and be aware of it.  These newscasts will tell everybody, “Here’s the news as we read it.  We’re not saying it’s right or wrong.  We’re saying what we read and we want to tell you what we know.”  That’s all you can expect of a news program.

它將會非常清楚的,非常迅速地,網際網路將是你們得到你們能依靠的大多數新聞的地方。在2008年將會有新聞廣播的新型態進來,而且你們將瞭解和意識到它。這些新聞廣播將告訴大家,「這新聞如同我們讀到的。我們不說它是對的或是錯誤的。我們是說我們所讀到的,和我們想要告訴你們我們所知道的。」 那是所有你們能期望的新聞節目。

The journey is what you make of it.  Two thousand eight will be a year for everyone to prepare to go into the world and move with it, flow with it.  Don’t be in opposition to it.  Move with it and steer it where you want it to go.  You can go into the world and change it and you’ll be so surprised how much power you have. 


You have power that you don’t even understand.  That power is called We the People and it is not restricted to America .  We the People of Germany, Russia , and many other countries will get involved in seeking change.  It’s not about you and those other people.  It’s about you individually and collectively having the courage to make a difference. You will have to make a difference or you will get down this path about six months into next year and you’ll find out you’re too late to get involved.  Get into it right now.


Q:  I’ve heard that the Arctic Sea is melting.  In recorded history, it has never melted entirely.  Scientists had predicted that it would be melted completely by 2020, but they just updated the report, saying that it would be totally melted by 2012.  What can we do to help this problem of global warming?

Q:  我聽說北極海正在溶化。在歷史上的記錄, 它從未整個溶化了。科學家已經預言它將會在2020年以前完全地溶化,但他們剛更新了報告,說它將在2012 年以前完全地溶化。我們可以做什麼來幫助這個全球暖化的問題?

KIRAEL:  With respect to global warming, what’s happening is that the energy of the sun hits the ground and can’t get back up past the clouds.  You can change that dynamic.  So, my prediction is that, in 2008, many more people will come around to global warming.  People will recognize that they have to do something about global warming, and it won’t involve driving your cars less.  You will not drive any less than you already do, but you will have to figure out how to clean up your air.

KIRAEL:  關於全球暖化所發生的是,太陽的能量擊中地面而無法通過雲彩折回。你們能改變那動態。所以,我的預言是在2008年,將會有許多人民來關注全球暖化的問題。人們會認知到他們必須對全球暖化做一些事, 而它無關於減少駕駛你們的汽車。你們不會對目前已駕駛的汽車有任何的減少,但你們將必須找出如何去清潔你們的空氣。

Do something about your petrol and the cars that you drive.  The year 2012 is only four years away.  It is predicted that in just four years, you won’t have polar caps.  If this occurs, you can only imagine what will happen.  If you can make a five or six percent increase in your efforts against global warming, you can actually slow and even reverse this process farther into the future.

想辦法為你們的汽油和你們所駕駛的汽車做一些事。 2012 年只剩下四年而已。它是被預言在四年之內你們不會有極性帽。如果這事發生,你們只能想像將會發生什麼。如果你們能夠多增加百分之五或百分之六的努力來對抗全球暖化,你們實際上能夠減慢或甚而扭轉這個過程進入未來。

It has been said that you will have a car that can go 65 miles per gallon.  Give me a break!  You already have one that goes 80 or 90 miles per gallon, and I’m talking about a regular car that runs on gas power, never mind the electric cars that run on nothing.  At me medium’s class in Russia, a woman said that there’s this little box you can put on your car that sucks up the fumes from the car in front of you and emits clean fumes.  In 2008, you will hear that these devices I’ve just spoken about have already been perfected. 

據說你們將有每加侖能夠跑65英哩的汽車。饒了我吧!你們已經有一種每加侖跑8090英哩的汽車,而且我現在談論的是關於以汽油為燃料的一般汽車, 那與電動汽車沒關係。我的靈媒在俄國上課的課堂上,一位婦女談到有一種小盒子的裝置,能夠放在汽車上吸收從前方汽車排放出來的氣體和散發乾淨的氣體。在2008年,你們將聽到我剛剛談到的這些裝置已經達到完善。

Everything has a cure.  Everything that’s going wrong in your society already has an answer to it.  Somebody’s already perfected the cure, whether it’s cancer, global warming, or whatever.  The reason you don’t hear about any of these things is because they’re not feasible right now.  Your governments are too busy pumping and selling you oil.  Well, We the People will not take this journey lying down. 


Choose projects that will make a difference for you.  Know what the project is and where you are on the list.  Don’t simply keep adding to the list.  If you don’t know what to start with, go to the first one on the list.  Start with one and then go to each one in order.  Line your projects up and look at them every day in every way possible.  That’s the only way you’ll get through this year.

選擇會讓你有所不同的企劃。 要明白是什麼企劃和你是在清單的哪裡。不要只是繼續在清單中增加項目。如果你不知道要先從哪裡開始,那麼就從清單的第一項開始。開始第一項然後依續進行。將你的企劃排列起來,盡可能的每天以各種方式審視它們。那是你能夠通過今年的唯一的方式。

Many paths will be open for you, and you will have to make a choice.  Slow down and choose what you will work with.  That way you’ll at least know you’re on a path.  Once you’re on a path, if something you were working on isn’t going well, you can go to the next thing, and if that’s not good, go to the next, and so on and so forth.  You’ll know what you have to do, so have it written down.

許多道路將為你開放, 而你將必須做出選擇。慢下來並選擇什麼是你將著手去進行的。 那樣你將至少知道你是在道上。 一旦你是在道上, 如果你所進行的一些事務並不順利,你可以進行下一個項目,而如果那也不順利,就進行下一項, 以此類推。你將知道什麼是你必須去做的,因此將它寫下來。

This is a God year.  Fill anything you do or say with your love.  That’s the last thing I want you to remember.  Ask yourself whether or not you absolutely love the project.  If you don’t love it, don’t get into it, because this is the year of love.  It is the God year.  Everything you do will be about love, and if you’re involved in a project and you’re not doing it with passion and love, then you will do it wrong.  If you don’t do it in love, then there’s no sense doing it at all.  Put it down until later.  When you figure out how to put love into it, then you’ll make it happen.

這是一個上帝之年。 充滿了以你的愛去行動或談論的任何事。 那是我要你記住的最後的一件事。 問你自己是否你是絕對地喜愛的企劃。如果你不喜愛它就不要進行,因為這是愛之年。這是上帝之年。 你所做的一切都將與愛有關,而且如果你不是以愛和熱情去介入一個企劃, 那麼你是做錯了。如果你不在愛中進行,那麼就根本毫無意義。放下它直到以後當你推測出如何將愛投入它時,那時你將讓它發生。

KIRAEL:  The year is 2008.  Eight and 2 are 10, which is a 1, which represents God in my numerology, and in this case, the God year.  A God year is a love year beyond any experience of love you’ve ever had.  A God year is a love year, because God is Love.  My prediction is that if you do something in love, you will get it.  I don’t care what it is, whether you want to scale Mount Everest or climb the outside of the Empire State Building .  If you do it in love, it will happen quickly.  You will be so thrilled with everything, because it will happen so fast for you. 

KIRAEL: 2008年是上帝之年。 82 10,那是一個1,那在我的數字學裡代表上帝,而在這種情況下是上帝之年。一個上帝之年是一個愛之年,超越任何你們曾經擁有的任何一個愛的經驗。一個上帝之年是一個愛之年, 因為上帝是愛。我的預言是如果你在愛中做某事,你將得到它。 我不在乎它是什麼,不管你是否想要攀登上埃佛勒斯峰頂,或攀登帝國大廈的外部。如果你在愛中做它, 它將迅速發生。你將對一切如此的興奮, 因為它是那麼快速地為你發生。

Q:  In 2008, how will we see the Goddess energy weave to bring forth changes in our world?

Q:  2008年,我們將如何看待女神能量的進入而在我們的世界上帶來變化?

KIRAEL:  Goddess is another way of saying, “God is.”  Goddess energy doesn’t have a gender.  Whether you’re male or female, you can embrace the Goddess energy.  In 2008, the Goddess Weave will impart its philosophy onto the world plane and there will be no concern about whether it will be heard or whether anyone will listen, because, on this journey, if you operate in humble love, then people will listen to you.  If you step one fraction of an inch outside of love, you will not be heard.  If you’re in humble love and you do everything you can to be heard, your journey will be fulfilled because you will have to be listened to.  Your humble love will lead the world out of the scenario that it will be looking at in 2008.

KIRAEL: 女神是「上帝是」的另一種方式的說法。 女神能量沒有性別。無論你們是男性或是女性,你們都能擁抱女神能量。在2008年,女神的編入將透露她的哲理到地球平面上,並且那兒將不在乎是否它將被聽見,或是否有任何人會聆聽。因為,在這次的旅途,如果你們以謙遜的愛運作,那麼人們將會聽你們的。如果你們些微偏離了愛,你們將不會被聽見。 如果你們是在謙遜的愛中做一切,那麼你們是能被聽見,你們的旅途將得以實現,因為你將必須被聽見。你們謙遜的愛將帶領世界,走出在2008年將會看到的局面。

Q:  You said that 2008 would be quite rambunctious.  Can you address that, please?

Q:  您說 2008 將會是相當喧鬧粗暴的。能否能請您開示?

KIRAEL:  Be prepared for a very rough year.  It will be the worst year you’ve ever had.    Take the physical body for instance.  Your bodies will go through some radical changes.  Your physical body will have to take on a new shape.  You don’t have to get skinny.  Get into shape.  If you’re a hundred pounds overweight and you’re not feeling well or you can’t get to work on time because you can’t move fast, you have a responsibility to yourself to change your body.  Change that body now, not next week or next year.

KIRAEL: 要為非常艱難的一年準備,這將是你們曾經有過的最壞的一年。以物質的身體為例,你們的身體將經歷一些根本的變化,你們的物質身體將必須呈現新的狀態。你們不需變成皮包骨,保持良好體態。 如果你們是超重一百磅,並且你們感覺不舒服或無法迅速行動準時上班,你們有責任去改變自己的身體。現在就改變那個身體,不是下個星期或是明年。

This is the time for the body to make changes, and the changes will be what you make of them.   If you weigh more than you’re supposed to, a hundred pounds more, you will take a hundred pounds of “junk” into the Shift.  This is not a joke.  I’m telling you the truth.  If your partner has lost weight, he will not take on yours, but you will find his weight.  You’re all laughing, but I’m serious with this one.  It will happen in this God year.  It’s the year of love.  If you’re a hundred pounds overweight, I don’t care what you say, you’re not supposed to be!

這是為身體去做改變的時候, 而且變化將是由你們自己造出來的。如果你們超出你應有的重量,多過 一百磅 , 你們將帶著 一百磅 的「垃圾」進入轉移。這不是個笑話,我是告訴你們事實。如果你們的夥伴已經減輕了重量,他們不會承擔你們的,但是你們將發現他們的重量。你們全部都在笑,但我是嚴肅的。 它將發生在這上帝之年。這是愛之年。 如果你們是超重 一百磅 ,我不管你們說什麼,你們不應該是如此!

As far as your finances are concerned, if you handle your finances in love, you will get more money than you’ll ever want.  Here’s the recipe:  It’s a God year and you embrace the energy of love and you’re conscious of it.

只要你們的財務是被關心, 如果你們在愛中處理你們的財務, 你們將得到比你們曾經想要的還要更多的金錢, 這是訣竅。這是一個上帝之年,而你們是有意識的去擁抱愛的能量。


內容非常精采, 對於2012年有詳盡預測。




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