經過數天的工作,昨天終於完成了馬來西亞"天使屋"1800平方呎(50)一樓空間的Alpha Chi能量風水...許多能量工作:許多能量上的清理打掃,並讓有害能量流出,及兩個曼達拉-力量之地,許多花精療癒,平衡空間中的五大元素 七個脈輪 陰陽能量,補充正氣...感謝得以見證這美麗神奇的宇宙能量和諧轉化過程!感謝Agni及所有協助的神聖光的存有!Om Namah Shivaya
today I have finished the Alpha Chi Energetic Feng Shui for "Angel house" in Malaysia, 180 square feet, a lot of energy work... it's a amazing process of transformation and harmonization. Harmonize the Chi, Elements, Chakras, Yin-Yang in the universe. so thankfully I am allowed to offer it and witnessed the beautiful work of Fire & Love. thank Agni! thank all divine beings!
正在吉隆坡機場候機,經過一整個月新馬行,終於要回到台灣-我的 家! 將會在五月再度去新加坡並準備在那裡設立公司,七月會去法國Am ritabha. 親愛的朋友, Su Ki 回來了!
waiting flight at Kuala Lumpur airport, after one month travel in Singapore and Malaysia, come back to home Taiwan later. I will go to Singapore and prepare to create a company there in May. and fly to France to go to Amritabha in July. dear friends, see you soon! love & joy, Su Ki



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